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2014/December/31 – INAIL ISI 2014 – Business Incentives 

Assocostieri Servizi It stands alongside the companies for participation in the INAIL ISI ANNOUNCEMENT 2014 for the realization of projects in the fields of health and safety at work.

Assocostieri Servizi, It has many years experience in assistance to the company about preparation of the documentations required to access the INAIL ANNOUNCEMENT, with a degree of success next to all the projects presented. In 2013 all the companies that have relied on our advice, there were among in first position of the ranking to obtain financing through the preparation and the skills acquired over the years by our team. The same companies have chosen to instruct Assocostieri Servizi for the coordination of the design, implementation and reporting of the project.

The INAIL ANNOUNCEMENT has aims to encourage companies to improve levels of health and safety in the workplace, accounting for 65%, of capital, the costs incurred for the project.

The funds made avaiable regarding in ISI NOTICE 2014 ammounted to € 267,427,404 divided into regional budgets. Recipients of contribution, to a maximum of EUR 130,000 and a minimum of 5,000 Euros, are business, even individual, located throughout are country registred with the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agricolture.

They are eligible for financing different types of projects including:

  • Investment Projects
  • Projects for the adoption of organizational models and social responsibility

Companies can submit only one project for only one production unit, throughtout the national territory, on one of the types indicated above.

Assocostieri Servizi It offers its expertise to assist companies interested in the preparation of documents necessary to access the call for financing enterprises INAIL 2014  

In view of the many requests for advice each year are brought to our attention and in order to ensure a high quality of service we ask you to fill in the ISI FORM. The required information will be used prior to verify the eligibility of the project and Vs. constitute a pre-application that will guarantee our commitment in assisting the preparation of documentation for this Notice.

For information Assocostieri Servizi it is always your disposal at the usual reference 06/54832259

2014/October/22 – Training Courses – “Remeditation Of Contaminated Sites”

Assocostieri Servizi in person of Lawyer Dario Soria carries out its training activities on environmental issues, particulary on the Remeditation Of Contaminated Sites.

2014/October/21 –  Training Courses – “Waste Management”

Work continued on Assocostieri Servizi in training on issues related to the “Waste Managemen“.

2014/September/12 –  Medichini Formazione – P.zzale Clodio

On 12 September 2014 the Lawyer Dario Soria made an intervention at “MedichiniFormazione” in Rome about “Organizational management and control model for the prevention of environmental risk“.

2014/July/24 –  Vademecum – Management Of Enviromental Risk In The Model 231

Assocostieri Services, in person of Managing Director, lawyer. Dario Soria, has produced a handbook (vade-mecum) on “Management of environmental risk in the model of organization and management pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 231/2001” published under the heading “System Company” of the “Sole 24 Ore“. The article is available at the following link or by contacting the secretariat of Assocostieri Servizi to the usual references.

2014/June/05 – Master In European Private Law – Rome – “La Sapienza”

On 05 June 2014 the Lawyer Dario Soria made an intervation during the “Master In European Private Law” at the University of Rome – “La Sapienza” about organizational “Management and control model for the prevention of environmental risk“.

2014/June/04 – ODCEC – Rome

On 4 June 2014 the Lawyer Soria spoke at the Association Of Chartered Accountans and Accounting Experts of Rome on the theme “Management of Environmental risks in the model of organization and management“.

2014/June/29 – INAIL ISI – Announcement 2014

On 29 May, 2014 will be held, strating at 16, the electronic submission of applications for funding (Click Day) out of INAIL ISI ANNOUNCEMENT 2013. All companies that have exceeded the eligibility threshoold and save the own project to Internal Inail Platform, it will make sending the iedentification code previously assigned to the project and avaiable in the ” Business Incentives” of own account.

The institute will provide on 22 May next to the publication, on the Inail portal, rules and technical support to the participating companies for the electronic submission of applications.

2014/April/04 – Energy Business Forum

On days 3 and 4 April, was held in Villa Medici in Borgo Artimino – Prato, The Energy Business Forum organized by Richmond Italy. The lawyer. Soria has intervened in the day of four with a presentation on “The organizational model of management and control for the prevention of environmental risks”.

2014/March/29 – LUISS “Business School”

Saturday, March 29, 2014 within LUISS Business School University, the lawyer. Soria held a training course on “System Design Reporting“.

2014/March/04 – VI Annual Congress On The Subject Of Liability Crime Bodies

On 28 February, Dario Soria Lawyer spoke as part of the sixth annual convention on liability for crimes of bodies on the subject of “Appropriate management of environmental risk in the model of organization, management and control”.

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28/02/2014 – VI Congresso Annuale in tema di Responsabilità da Reato degli Enti

Lo studio legale Coratella organizza il VI congresso annuale in materia di responsabilità da reato degli enti dal titolo:
“La governance e la gestione dei rischi 231”.

Il Congresso si svolgerà nella giornata del 28 febbraio 2014, dalle ore 9.00, presso il Centro Congressi “Roma Eventi Piazza di Spagna” in Via Alibert, 5/a.
A tale convegno, patrocinato, tra gli altri, dal Ministero dello Sviluppo Economico, Ministero della Giustizia, Comune di Roma e dal Sole 24 Ore, parteciperà, nell’ambito della sessione plenaria, l’Avv. Soria, in rappresentanza di Assocostieri Servizi, sul tema: “L’adeguata gestione del rischio ambientale nel modello di organizzazione, gestione e controllo”.
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