ASSOCOSTIERI protects the needs of the Associates in the institutional, political and technical seats at a national, European and international level, which are competent in terms of energy Terminals and biofuel.

The activity of the Association takes shape into the participation to work and consultation groups, instituted from the Public Administration and by technical bodies, hearings, speeches, reports for a prompt collaboration and support for all the issues of interest of the represented industrial compartments.

It carries out furthermore a widespread training activity for the Associates including all the regulations of interest, highlighting the most relevant aspects for the activity of the Associates and providing interpretations and consultation activities with the institutions in case of interpretative doubts.

In recent years, to facilitate the application of the sector regulations among the Associates, supported by the reference bodies and their own technicians, the Association has prepared guidelines for the sector regulations, authorization vademecum for the LNG, guidelines for EMAS application and, gaining the first place in the sector, the behavior code for the application of organization models, management and control ex. Legis. decree 231 approved by the Ministry of Justice, Consob, Bank of Italy and from all other interested stakeholders groups.

With the possible support of the subsidiary Assocostieri Services, the Association can also examine issues of single Associates, as long as they do not harm the interests of the other members and may become, in the future, of general interest.

The purpose of the Association is the following:

  • To protect companies regularly instituted, holders of decrees for the concession of coastal and/or tax tank storage facilities and firms working in the field of the energy Terminals of petroleum, chemical, petrochemical, LPG and LNG products.
  • To represent the category for its recognition and valorization of the Public Administration, of other associations, of national and international economic organizations, by defending their interests.

Main specialized areas of the Association are:

  • authorization of procedures for the construction and operation of logistics infrastructures;
  • state concessions;
  • tax and customs aspects;
  • environment and safety procedures.