Assocostieri Servizi was established in December 2006 in order to offer Assocostieri’s associated firms a wide range of services in the strategic/management and environmental fields, as well as to help them claim and achieve authorisations.

Assocostieri Servizi is Assocostieri’s consulting firm and therefore couples a deep knowledge of associates’ businesses with a wide experience in the analysis and research of solutions to the specific issues of the firms in the field.

Such a purpose is achieved by using the best skills available from the academia and the field of firm consulting both within its personnel and from a network of external professionals linked to the firm itself.


Marcello Ciocia – CEO – Expert in “Organization, Management and Control Model prescribed by the Legislative Decree No. 231/2001”; Environmental management; Supervisory Body member in several leading energy industry companies; Creation of Safety Management System, according to “ISO 45001 standard”; creation of Environmental management System, according to “ISO 14001 standard” and EMAS certificates; Training in Administrative liability of legal entities (D.Lgs. 231/2001), Environmental issues (D.Lgs, 152/2006) and Safety issues (D.Lgs. 81/2008); grant financing.

Mrs Maria Antonietta Piccone – Consulting area – Organization, Management and Control Model prescribed by the Legislative Decree No. 231/2001; Preferential Financing planning, provision and accounting, related to Fondimpresa training plans; planning and monitoring of procedures for obtaining EU Funds.

Mrs Paola De Gaetano – Administration area – Preferential Financing planning, provision and accounting, related to Fondimpresa training plans.